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The exodus of Bangladeshis into India has for the first time been termed by the United Nations as the single largest bilateral stock of international migrants in the eastern hemisphere and the developing world. Data released recently by the UN Department of Economic & Social Affairs (UNDESA) shows that in 2013,India was home to 3.2 million Bangladeshi residents who had migrated into the country and settled there. For Indians,Middle East was the clear favourite destination. Two countries in the region were the main draw for Indians: UAE,having 2.9 million Indian migrants, and Saudi Arabia, which had 1.8 million.However the biggest rise in the number of Indians migrating to a single countrywas to the US.

In 2013, 2.1 million Indians were in the US, which was also home to 2.2 million people from China and 2 million from the Philippines. The UNDESA report said that since 2000, the number of international migrants born in China or India and living in the US had doubled, whereas the number of Mexican foreign-born had only risen by about 31%. South Asians are the largest group of international migrants living outside their home region, according to the report. Of the 36 million international migrants from south Asia, 13.5 million resided in the oil-producing countries of west Asia. More people were living abroad than ever before.

In 2013,232 million people, or 3.2% of the world’s population, were international migrants,compared with 175 million in 2000 and 154 million in 1990. The developed countries were home to 136 million migrants,compared to 96 million in the developing countries. Most international migrants were of working age (20 to 64 years) and accounted for 74% of the total. Globally, women accounted for 48% of all International migrants. Asians and Latin Americans living outside their home regions formed the largest global diaspora groups. In 2013, Asians represented the largest group, accounting for about 19 million migrants living in Europe,some 16 million in north America and about 3 million in Oceania.

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